These pictures are a portrait of Granada at its best. I have
spent many years of my life indulging myself
in the pleasure of wandering, camera in hand, around this incredible
city whose charm, or “embrujo” as we call it here, is certainly
second to none. Because of this, now you are probably thinking this
is just another photo gallery among the thousands
there are in Internet and I wouldn't blame you for doing so. But,
let me tell you something: It is not! I would say it is more of a
love story: My Own! I have written every image here with my very own
eyes and lit each pixel with every “click” of
my heart over the years. Yes! This indeed is
Granada, the Granada I am in love with. Open your eyes and you will
love it too... Enjoy!
All photos are property of
Víctor Ovies and any use of them,
commercial or not,
is prohibited without prior authorization from the author.